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Ambient bright lighting in the morning improves sleep disturbances of older adults with dementia
Chuen-Ru Liu, Yiing Mei Liou, Jwo-Huei Jou
Sleep Med. 2022 Jan:89:1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2021.10.011. Epub 2021 Oct 21.
Light therapy for the treatment of delayed sleep-wake phase disorder in adults: a systematic review
Jefferson Novais Gomes, Cristiane Dias, Renata Silva Brito, Juliana Rodrigues Lopes, Igor Alonso Oliveira, Alexandra Noemi Silva, Cristina Salles
Sleep Sci. 2021 Apr-Jun;14(2):155-163. doi: 10.5935/1984-0063.20200074.
Recommendations for daytime, evening, and nighttime indoor light exposure to best support physiology, sleep, and wakefulness in healthy adults
Timothy M. Brown, George C. Brainard, Christian Cajochen, Charles A. Czeisler, John P. Hanifin, Steven W. Lockley, Robert J. Lucas, Mirjam Münch, John B. O’Hagan, Stuart N. Peirson, Luke L. A. Price, Till Roenneberg, Luc J. M. Schlangen, Kenneth P. Wright Jr
Published: March 17, 2022
The effect of light therapy on sleep disorders and psychobehavioral symptoms in patients with Alzheimer’s disease: A meta-analysis
Lili Zang, Xiaotong Liu, Yu Li, Jiang Liu, Qiuying Lu, Yue Zhang, Qinghui Meng
Published: December 6, 2023 https://doi.og/10.1371/journal.pone.0293977
The Effects of Light Therapy on Sleep, Agitation and Depression in People With Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
Kenneth NK Fong, PhD, Xiangyang Ge, and Hilda Cheung, PhD
First published online March 16, 2023
Light as Therapy for Sleep Disorders and Depression in Older Adults
Philip D. Sloane, MD, MPH, Mariana Figueiro, PhD, and Lauren Cohen, MA
Published in final edited form as: Clin Geriatr. 2008 Mar 1; 16(3): 25–31.
The effect of light therapy on sleep disorders and psychobehavioral symptoms in patients with Alzheimer’s disease: A meta-analysis
Lili Zang, Xiaotong Liu, Yu Li, Jiang Liu, Qiuying Lu, Yue Zhang, Qinghui Meng
Published: December 6, 2023 https://doi.og/10.1371/journal.pone.0293977
The Effects of Light Therapy on Sleep, Agitation and Depression in People With Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
Kenneth NK Fong, PhD, Xiangyang Ge, and Hilda Cheung, PhD
First published online March 16, 2023
Light as Therapy for Sleep Disorders and Depression in Older Adults
Philip D. Sloane, MD, MPH, Mariana Figueiro, PhD, and Lauren Cohen, MA
Published in final edited form as: Clin Geriatr. 2008 Mar 1; 16(3): 25–31.
Supplementation of ambient lighting with a task lamp improves daytime alertness and cognitive performance in sleep-restricted individuals
Leilah K Grant, Phoebe C Crosthwaite, Matthew D Mayer, Wei Wang, Robert Stickgold, Melissa A St. Hilaire, Steven W Lockley, Shadab A Rahman
Sleep, Volume 46, Issue 8, August 2023, zsad096,
Published: 07 April 2023
Ambient bright lighting in the morning improves sleep disturbances of older adults with dementia
Chuen-Ru Liu, Yiing Mei Liou, Jwo-Huei Jou
Sleep Med. 2022 Jan:89:1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2021.10.011. Epub 2021 Oct 21.
Pilot Study of the Effects of Bright Ambient Therapy on Dementia Symptoms and Cognitive Function
Chuen-Ru Liu, Yiing Mei Liou, Jwo-Huei Jou
Front Psychol. 2021 Dec 24:12:782160. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.782160. eCollection 2021.
The Beneficial Role of Photobiomodulation in Neurodegenerative Diseases
by Ayodeji Abijo, Chun-Yuan Lee, Chien-Ying Huang, Pei-Chuan Ho, and Kuen-Jer Tsai
Biomedicines 2023, 11(7),1828;
The effect of light therapy on sleep disorders and psychobehavioral symptoms in patients with Alzheimer’s disease: A meta-analysis
Lili Zang, Xiaotong Liu, Yu Li, Jiang Liu, Qiuying Lu, Yue Zhang, Qinghui Meng
Published: December 6, 2023 https://doi.og/10.1371/journal.pone.0293977
The Effects of Light Therapy on Sleep, Agitation and Depression in People With Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
Kenneth NK Fong, PhD, Xiangyang Ge, and Hilda Cheung, PhD
First published online March 16, 2023
Supplementation of ambient lighting with a task lamp improves daytime alertness and cognitive performance in sleep-restricted individuals
Leilah K Grant, Phoebe C Crosthwaite, Matthew D Mayer, Wei Wang, Robert Stickgold, Melissa A St. Hilaire, Steven W Lockley, Shadab A Rahman
Sleep, Volume 46, Issue 8, August 2023, zsad096,
Published: 07 April 2023
燈光控制系統 M602327、M603245
具有生理調光的照明裝置及其調光方法 I700961、I737444
光源CAF值: 日間>0.92; 夜間<0.28,符合並遠優於CIE S 026健康照明規範
CAF: Circadian Action Factor 晝夜節律生理刺激值
立燈EML值: 日間>250; 晚間<50,符合WELL Building國際標準規範
EML: Equivalent Melanopic Lux 等效黑視素照度
RG0 豁免級,完全無藍光危害
Circadian Action Factor(CAF):
1. 加強460~470nm的藍綠光, 提高CAF刺激值,且比一般420~460nm藍光LED不刺眼/護眼
2. 加強540~560nm的綠黃光, 增強明視覺光照度
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