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Ventilation or air purifier – take action on time

It’s midsummer, already August. In a few weeks the temperatures will drop and we will see the first signs of the approaching fall and winter.

The focus of the corona crisis is on ventilation and we will soon be faced with the difficult choice: can the windows remain open, or is it better to close them? This is certainly a point of attention in the treatment room / clinic of medical specialists, with many patient visits every day. With the cold season approaching, it is better to explore well in advance which solution offers the best protection for both patient and specialist / care provider.

This acupuncture practice in Utrecht (The Netherlands) wanted to start taking measures on time. Read which solution they have chosen and what they have to say about it:

At Acupuncturist.nl we naturally adhere to the rules of the RIVM. For example, we have conversations at 1.5 meter distance and we treat while wearing a face mask, etc. Furthermore, we are not waiting for RIVM to scale up the measures and we are already investing in suitable air purification. Of course we do not pass on the extra measures to the patient.

Since today we have equipped all treatment rooms (both locations) with an air purifier with a so-called HEPA filter. It is also used in airplanes. For example, the air in the treatment rooms is continuously cleaned and this fine-mesh filter would filter out the virus for 99.9%.

We have the confidence that we will work as responsibly as possible.

Not imaginable now, but as soon as the heating has to be switched on again in the fall, all treatment rooms will also be equipped with humidifiers.


More info (no, no paid advertising):

BRISE has provided the acupuncture practice with the latest Breathe Bio filter for even more protection. Together we reduce the risks.

More relevant information: https://www.brisecare.com/en/news/
Information about the acupuncture practice: https://acupuncturist.nl/
Original Post: https://www.facebook.com/pg/acupuncturist.nl/posts/